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Your UCInetID and password are your keys to access many UCI online services, including EEE+ and Canvas, WebReg, ZotPortal, UCI Google, and on-campus computer systems.

Your UCInetID is your Single Sign-on (SSO) and electronic identification used for many online services at the University of California, Irvine.

Services such as Google Workspace, EEE+, ZotPortal, and WebReg require you to use your UCInetID and password in order to log in. It is for your individual use only and you should not share your password with anyone else. OIT offers Sponsored UCInetIDs and Group UCInetIDs for special situations.

Use of your UCInetID or any other network resource at UCI constitutes acceptance of the UCI Computer and Network Use Policy

Types of UCInetIDs

  • Individual UCInetIDs are granted to each faculty, staff, and student at UCI. This is the most common type of UCInetID.
  • Sponsored UCInetIDs are created for guests/colleagues who need access for an extended period of time. Sponsorship must be requested by a faculty or a management-level staff member.
  • Group UCInetIDs are for groups of faculty or staff who need to share a resource or service. There is a nominal monthly fee for Group UCInetIDs. See the pricing tab.
  • Alumni UCInetIDs allow alumni indefinite access to certain UCI services like StudentAccess.
  • Third Party UCInetIDs are for people like parents or guardian who need access to applications like Zotaccount.

For programmers and developers

For computer support staff




ServiceCurrent RatesRate Type
Individual UCInetIDs, Sponsored UCInetIDs, Alumni UCInetID, Third-party UCInetIDsNo additional chargeN/A
UCInet ID Change RequestNo additional chargeN/A
Group UCInetID$4/monthRecharge




Page updated on:
March 12, 2025