Duo for Office 365

by | Feb 4, 2021 | News

Beginning on March 2, 2021, Duo multi-factor authentication will be required for all UCI Office 365 accounts. Using Duo will strengthen security when accessing your UCI Outlook, Calendar, OneDrive, Teams, and other O365 services.

The Office of Information Technology (OIT) has been working to roll out Duo multi-factor authentication across all campus platforms with the ultimate goal of having all employees and students using Duo to protect our most used platforms by the end of 2021. Duo provides an added layer of security by requiring a second source of validation, in the form of a push notification on your phone, tablet or smartwatch, in addition to your username and password. Multi-factor authentication with Duo is already required for employees to access most other key UCI platforms.

We are encouraging all UCI Office 365 users (staff, faculty, and student employees) to opt-in to Duo for O365 now so that we can address issues before it may impact your work.

Here’s what to do now:

  1. Enable Duo for O365 before March 2, 2021
    Login, select “Enable” and submit. You may need to login again to any existing O365 sessions you have open.
  2. If you run into any issues, you can go back to the link above, select “Disable,” and report it to the OIT Help Desk before March 2 at oit@uci.edu or 949-824-2222.*
    *iOS users may need to remove and re-add their accounts. See note below for details

What should you expect?

  • Desktops and laptops
    • Before March 2, ensure you are using compatible software to access O365 by reviewing the Duo + Office 365 article. If you are using different software, it likely doesn’t support modern authentication and you will need to move to something supported.
    • On March 2, O365 services will ask you to re-authenticate (login with your username and password). When you login, you will be prompted to authenticate with Duo.
  • Smartphones and other mobile devices
    • We recommend that users download the Outlook mobile app for the best mobile email experience.
  • Apple/iOS devices

If you have any issues or feedback, contact the OIT Help Desk at oit@uci.edu or 949-824-2222.

Article updated on:
July 8, 2022


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