On Thursday, February 23, 2023, The Office of Information Technology will be migrating its UCI Single Sign-On (SSO) Service away from a home grown legacy service, in favor of a modern standard based solution. Currently both servers are active and intertwined, enabling users to access a variety of different online services at UCI without having to sign in multiple times.
This move allows UCI easier integration with vendors/3rd parties, provides a higher capacity service, can potentially reduce application development overhead and is also widely supported amongst Higher Education, which will allow for easier research and collaboration opportunities with other Universities.
While we don’t anticipate any interruptions for our campus community currently utilizing SSO, bookmarks and links to login.uci.edu may stop working after Thursday and may need to be updated.
Additional information about this project can be found on the OIT website. If you experience any issues on or after Thursday please review the OIT Knowledge Base Article or contact the OIT Help Desk at oit@uci.edu.