Women in Technology Applause Nominations Now Open

Jan 7, 2025 | News

Celebrate and Recognize an Inspirational Colleague

Do you know a colleague who is making a difference in technology at UCI through their actions or work? Tell us their stories by nominating them for the UCI Women in Technology (WiT) 2025 Applause Program!

Each year, the Applause Program allows the UCI community to recognize peers and colleagues in technology who embody WiT’s “Advance. Inspire. Empower. Act.” motto in the workplace. The program is designed to celebrate the accomplishments of individuals who are making a positive impact at UCI for women by fostering an inclusive culture through their words, values, actions, and attitudes. 

All UCI staff and faculty (of any gender identity or gender expression) are eligible to be nominated.

Nominations due by Friday, January 24, 2025!

You can read more about our previous Applause recipients on the Women in Tech @ UCI website.

Please contact WiT at wit-applause@uci.edu if you have questions regarding this program.

Article updated on:
January 26, 2025


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