In 2016, as part of a strategy for continuous service improvement, the Office of Information Technology distributed a Customer Satisfaction Survey. Many of you took the time to provide information, and we thank you.
We would like to share the results of the survey with you. We were gratified to learn that you feel that OIT is doing many things well. At the same time, you made many suggestions on how we could serve the campus better.
We will be using this information to adjust and enhance our services. Thank you again for contributing to OIT’s efforts to improve service quality and processes.
Dana Roode
Chief Information Officer and Associate Vice Chancellor
Kian Colestock
Assistant Chief Information Officer
2016 Survey Results Overview
- Executive Summary Report (PDF)
- 2016 OIT Customer Satisfaction Survey Infographic (PDF)
- Summary of Overall System Ratings (PDF)
- Strengths & Opportunities (PDF)
- Survey Screenshots (PDF)
- 2016 Survey Prize Winners
- We Heard You
Changes OIT is making based on your feedback.
Other Years
Survey Support Results by OIT Division
Enterprise Applications
- Accounting & Kuali Financial Systems (PDF)
- Admissions & Relations with Schools (PDF)
- Facilities Management IT (PDF)
- Financial Aid IT (PDF)
- Financial Services (PDF)
- Graduate Division IT (PDF)
- Human Resources IT (PDF)
- Office of Research IT (PDF)
- Registrar’s Office (PDF)
- Transportation & Distribution Services (PDF)