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OIT Customer Satisfaction Survey 2017

The Office of Information Technology embarked on the second cycle of our customer satisfaction survey as part of an overall strategy for continuous service improvement. In cooperation with UC San Diego, who has been successfully using this process for many years, we want to enhance our understanding of which IT services are of most value to you, and where we have opportunities to serve you better.

We would like to share the results of the survey with you.  We were gratified to learn that you feel that OIT is doing many things well.  At the same time, you made many suggestions on how we could serve the campus better.

We Heard You

OIT leadership has analyzed the results to develop a plan for the next fiscal year. Areas that appear to need special attention are being prioritized and a general plan for making improvements is being implemented. 

2017 OIT Customer Satisfaction Survey Infographic

Page updated on:
August 26, 2022