Improve Office 365 support. | The O365 support teams will review past requests and improve business processes for handling Outlook support. |
I can’t always find the OIT service I need. | We are developing an outreach program to increase engagement and identify opportunities for improved service. We have also introduced or broadened access to a number of new services. |
The transition from EEE to Canvas is confusing. | We are improving communication and support strategies, clarifying our transition timeline, and adding support resources. |
More file sharing and collaboration options are needed. | We are preparing documentation and guidelines on the available file storage and sharing tools to help customers use the right tool for each need. |
Desktop Support response time is too long. | We are providing more diverse self-service opportunities to empower faculty and staff with easy fixes and will devote desktop staff time to more challenging or unusual needs. |
It isn’t clear if Zotmail is reaching the intended audience. | We have added analytics to Zotmail to allow senders to find information on message access rates and click-throughs to links. |
Improve functionality in the Kuali Financial System (KFS). | We have upgraded KFS to a current and more feature-rich release.
I can't find the IT security information I need. | We will develop better documentation for the IT security web site.
ServiceNow is hard to use. | We will launch a new ServiceNow portal to make it easier to find and use support features.
Security makes it hard to me to access the resources I need. | We will research and evaluate firewall rule analysis tools to improve audits. |
It’s hard to manage all my passwords. | We will research and evaluate tools for password management.
SmartClassroom podiums are difficult to use. | We will supply clear documentation to each of the SmartClassrooms to make podium use easier. |
Improve functionality in Kuali Coeus (research support). | We will upgrade Kuali Coeus to a current and more feature-rich release.