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UCI Appointments


The UCI Appointments app is an ideal way to manage a busy office-wide appointment schedule with student, faculty, or staff clients.

UCI Appointments is a flexible appointment scheduling system that provides self-service for approved office visitors as well as robust appointment management for office staff.

For office staff

  • Creates appointment slots automatically based on your office schedule and your availability
  • Integrates with your Outlook Exchange calendar to automatically prevent appointments from being created during existing meetings
  • Sends reminders via email of upcoming appointments
  • Allows you to specify who has access to scheduling appointments
  • Allows you to manually set up appointments for visitors

For office visitors

  • Displays office availability so you can schedule your own appointments conveniently online
  • Allows you to view or cancel your own existing appointments

UCI Appointments is sponsored by the Office of the Vice Provost of Teaching and Learning and offered by the Office of Information Technology.

Who can use UCI Appointments?

Any office at UCI may be set up to use UCI Appointments. If you are interested in using UCI Appointments or have questions about it, please refer to the UCI Appointments Help Documentation site for a recorded demo of the system and for information about having your office set up.


Please explore the UCI Appointments Help Documentation site which has a variety of information about UCI Appointments in addition to answers to common questions.

Need more help?

Contact UCI Appointments Support

Page updated on:
December 4, 2024